Oct 2011
I was finishing a book review, until I came across the five-part series Women, War & Peace airing on PBS. I was going to simply save it for Friday’s weekend roundup, but the series starts TODAY and it’s on an important topic (also, the trailer looks amazing). The series is about how war affects women (and children). It’s a sad statistic I’ve heard before – the majority of casualties of war 100 years ago were soldiers, but today the majority of war casualties are women and children.
What does this have to do with Latinos? Well, the fourth part of the series, The War We are Living, focuses on Columbia, where war over gold still rages in rural areas. Two women are holding their ground.
Here are more links to related reports about Colombia on the series web page, mostly concerning paramilitary and narco-trafficking:
*Interview with Ingrid Betancourt, former hostage
*A PBS Article and a Washington Post report about secrecy in federal criminal prosecutions of Colombian drug lords
*More about Colombian paramilitary in the U.S. Court System
*Two visits to Colombia, reported here and here
I went to check my local listings and Alabama Public Television has tons of sharing icons – including one for each episode where I can add it straight to my Google calendar. I did it for every episode.
Copyright 2011.